10 Most Scandalous Cheerleaders in Sports History

The concept of cheerleading is a pretty amazing one. They are
like a cold beer on a Sunday afternoon for NFL football. Similarly, they are
like a beer on a Saturday night while watching a UFC event. I guess what I’m trying to say is that much like the icing on the proverbial cake, cheerleaders take a sporting event and make it so much more via the addition of gorgeous, fit, gyrating women.
With all that said however, they aren’t a necessity in the NFL for example. The game can function without them, but they absolutely add something pretty wonderful. As such, they get paid next to nothing. So much that it is a minor issue in the media as these wonderful ladies try to get their pay up to a decent level. For many of them, the cheerleading gig is just that, a gig, or part time job.
All issues aside, I don’t want to tiptoe around this for too long, yes, some of them are bad girls. Thinking about it more accurately, a few of them are really bad girls. Some are actually despicable. But while some may be this and that, all of them are smoking hot. Here is our list of the 10 most scandalous cheerleaders in sports history.
Honorable Mention: Every Cheerleading Team to have Experienced Bad Press for Getting Drunk and Posting Naughty Pictures.
Realistically, I could have done an entire article on just these lasses. Now that I mention it, we just might, so stay tuned. There are numerous examples of cheerleading squads who have gotten drunk together and taken pictures of each other. From the high school level to the pro leagues, these girls have been called every name in the book, but ultimately this criticism comes from dinosaurs: people with archaic views and stupid priorities.
Examples include the New England Patriots girls who got loaded and drew on the first one to pass out. The girls of Orange Coast College took a series of naked and nearly naked pictures one night while drunk. The Sacramento Kings’ cheerleaders got loaded and took selfies a few years ago, and apparently that was a problem. There is also the story of the Fab 5, a group of high school cheerleaders from Texas who got drunk and took tons of pictures that made it all over the internet. The only thing wrong with that is the high school thing, if they are under 18 and dudes looked at that, it’s a crime, but that’s on the men out there, not these girls. The Arizona State cheerleading squad took some underwear pictures several years ago and it was great, but they too received some negative press.
There are more examples, but I’m ready to get on with this train wreck. Girls taking scandalous pictures is not newsworthy, it’s just great and none of them should have to deal with flack for liking attention. On to some real scandals.

10. Christy Oglevee – *Gasp* She Dated a Player!

via athleteswives.comYep, as the title reads, Christy Ogletree is one of those professional cheerleaders who dated a player. There are a few such stories, but Oglevee’s is interesting because she and former Washington Redskins tight end Chris Cooley dated openly, and he dumped another cheerleader for her. She and two time Pro Bowler Cooley married in 2008 but then divorced in 2012. Okay, it isn’t that scandalous, but still, she’s pretty hot, so just enjoy that.

9. Danielle Gamba – Forgot to Behave at the Airport

via kingsfans.comGamba was a model and worked as a cheerleader for the Oakland Raiders about a decade ago. She was popular in FHM during that time and danced with the Oakland Ballet for some time. One day in December 2005, she and Playboy model Carrie Minter were incredibly drunk at the San Antonio Airport. “Incredibly” drunk may not be the right descriptive word for how drunk they were. The pair became unruly on the flight and when cops tried to arrest them, Gamba made multiple sexual offers that the officers turned down. That’s one of those situations in which I’d be saying “good for them” no matter what.

8. Samantha Baker – Drugs Are Bad, Ummkay?

via muscleandfitness.comBack in 2011 there was a significant drug bust in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Pot was found, as were large amounts of products of the performance enhancing variety. One of the people arrested in that bust was Samantha Baker, a cheerleader for the New England Patriots. She worked as a fitness model when she wasn’t on the field and it was alleged that she used various PEDs in that part of her career.
I’m fed up with hearing about “Spygate,” the tuck rule and especially “deflategate,” but with Baker’s arrest there is definitely a short but sweet list of jokes I could make about people around the Patriots caught cheating. It should be noted as well that much like Tom Brady ducking his suspension, the charges against Baker were dropped.

7. Courtney Simpson – She went to Arizona State, what did you expect?

via bleacherreport.comArizona State is considered to be one of the best party schools in the country. This shouldn’t be news, but not everyone knows, call me Captain Obvious if you must. Simpson grew up Mormon and within a couple of months at ASU, she started getting involved with the adult film industry and similar trades. She was investigated by the school due to the fact that she wore her ASU cheerleader outfit in a scene in 2005. By 2006 she had retired from the business, with over 200 films under her belt.

6. Vanessa Curry – Hooked Up With Kobe

via myspace.comShe’s an impressive, beautiful and talented girl, and Vanessa Curry was a Laker girl and would later be a member of the Pussycat Dolls from 2010-2012. She has also been on some high profile commercials, music videos and Dancing With the Stars.
Back in 2008 however, she was rumored to have been having an affair with Kobe Bryant. She left the Lakers because of this scandal, which erupted because Bryant was married at the time.

5. Jill Moore – That’s a Bad Coach

via bit.lyThere have been a couple of cheerleader coaches on this list already, but Jill Moore might be the worst. She coached a high school team in South Carolina and when he showed up to a recruiting event at the school, National Guard Sgt First Class Thomas Fletcher and herself started an interesting relationship. In short, the two not only fooled around with each other, but Moore brought her cheerleaders (though none were younger than 16) to “party” with some of the young men in Fletcher’s unit. Moore also bought alcohol and cigarettes for the girls, who were minors. She resigned and Fletcher and a couple of members of his unit were suspended from the National Guard in the wake of this scandal.

4. Angela Keathley – That’s Not What the Bathroom is For!

via bleacherreport.comWe’ll stay in the Carolina’s for this one. Two cheerleaders for the Carolina Panthers were arrested back in 2005 for going at it in a bathroom stall and then starting a fight after other patrons of the bar complained about the said act.
The other cheerleader involved was Renee (no last name given), a student when not on the field. She was not arrested. Angela Keathley, however, was arrested, because she started a fight by throwing a couple of punches at Kristen Owen, the main patron who complained about their shenanigans.

3. Sarah Jones: Became a Teacher and Bedded a Student

via h4-entertainment.comJones was a cheerleader for the Cincinnati Bengals years ago, but after she was done with that adventure she became a teacher. She was alleged to have dated and slept with a student who was 17 years old. She and the student maintained that he was not one of her students, but that their two families had known each other for years. Regardless, the relationship was considered extremely taboo.
She also indicated that when she became close to the student in question, it was partially due to her deteriorating and abusive marriage and divorce. Cody (the student) and Sarah got engaged when news of their affair boiled down, so this one has a happy ending.

2. Lauren Beard – Fake Police Report

via bleacherreport.comThis is a confusing one. It is not surprising that a cheerleader would have a stalker. They’re beautiful women who are in the public eye and plenty of them have outgoing, friendly personalities. But in this case, there was no stalker. Lauren Beard came to police back in March 2008 with threatening emails that seemed to amount to a stalking case. When she returned, the cop dealing with her situation had figured out that the emails were sent from her computer. She made up her own stalking case. Her lawyer essentially said that she had been under a ton of stress recently, but refused to comment further at the time. This may not be the most shocking or sexy of cheerleader-related scandals, but it sure is the dumbest.

1. Molly Shattuck – Shacking Up with a Minor

via igor-engraving.comShe was known as the NFL’s oldest cheerleader and was 38 when she cheered for the Baltimore Ravens over ten years ago. She was retired when her scandal came to light. Last month, she was sentenced to jail time for sexual misconduct with a fifteen year old boy.
She was a trophy wife for a businessman ages ago, but found her 15-year old boy-toy on Instagram.  They chatted for a while before actually meeting up. They fooled around for a few weeks and then she made her move, did some “mouth stuff” and tried to sleep with him, but he denied her. She was charged and found guilty of sexually assaulting the young man. Looking at her, could she not have found someone closer to her own age or just stuck it out for someone three years older?